Join Our Agrarian Community for Exclusive Access to Locally-Grown Food

To gain access to this locally-grown food, all you need to do is join our “Agrarian Community". That way you can be assured that no one else will be buying ‘your food.

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Hardship Program

We don’t want to leave anybody out and we recognize that these are difficult times. If the $250 membership fee is problematic, please send your tax return 1040 to I’ll get right back.

Our Story —

Have you ever dreamed of owning part of a farm—just enough to skip the supermarket, unless you felt like going? At Utah Family Farm, we make that dream a reality. By joining our “Agrarian Community,” you’re investing in an undivided “share” of crops from multiple Utah farms, plus access to the unique offerings of Sage & Plow.

About us
Membership Options —

It should be noted that while you always have access to Sage & Plow food, to access Utah Family Farms food, you must join our "Agrarian Community." Membership is simple. You just pay a $250 annual membership fee and you will be free to purchase farm-fresh Utah produce from us. We should make it clear that a limited number of farmers have agreed to grow all-natural food according to our specifications. There is nothing we hate more than having to tell friends that our food is "Sold Out." Right now, we have enough food for about 125 more people and it will go fast, so don't delay. As you order, please identify which of the below Drop Zones you would prefer.

Become a Member Now
Drop Zones:
April - September 2025

• Monday Evenings, 5:00 - 6:30: One Day Service, 1600 South State Street, Orem

• Tuesday Evenings, 5:00 - 6:30: Horseshoe Mountain Home Center, 1095 South Hwy 89, Mt. Pleasant

• Wednesday Evenings, 5:00 - 6:30: Guerra Produce Stand, 400 North Main, Payson

​​• Thursday Evenings, 5:00 - 6:30: Sage & Plow, 675 South 500 East, American Fork

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Disclaimer: Due to the inherent risk of farming, Utah Family Farms reserves the right to modify the products and price list without notice.